Forbered dig ved at have skrevet din projektbeskrivelse og dit budget, så du hurtigt kan ”klippe” og indsætte teksten (copy-paste) i de felter du møder. Hvis der medvirker flere musikere i projektet, så hav også deres info klar. Ved ansøgning om udgivelse, skal du lave en titelliste på de sange du/I påtænker at indspille.
Følgende formelle krav skal overholdes:
Overholdes de formelle krav ikke, forbeholder fordelingsudvalget sig retten til ikke at vurdere ansøgningen.
Ansøgningen finder du på Ansøgningen er opdelt i faner: Start, Stamdata, Ansøgninger, Formål, Projekt, Musikere, Budget, Bilag og Indsend.
Du logger ind med NemID – enten via dit eller dit
Indtast dine stamdata – og tryk på ’Gem og gå videre’.
I denne fane kan du se de ansøgninger du har udarbejdet – og du kan rette i den/disse. Hvis indsendt er der påført et journalnummer.
Du kan også vælge ’Opret ny ansøgning’.
I denne kan du vælge hvilken pulje du søger om støtte fra:
Næste fane
Ved Musikfremmende foranstaltninger er næste fane Projekt:
I denne fane kan du navngiver projektet, samt lave en kort og præcis beskrivelse, herunder en tidsplan.
Ved Faglig dygtiggørelse er næste fane Faglig dygtiggørelse:
I denne fane skal du angive land, studiested, formål, og lave en kort og præcis beskrivelse, herunder en tidsplan.
I denne fane skal du oplyse antal og informationer på medvirkende musikere/sangere. Hvis du ansøger for et kor, hvor koret skal have det ansøgte beløb, skal musikerne/korsangerne ikke angives.
I denne fane indtaster du budgettet for dit projekt. Dvs. du indtaster henholdsvis udgifter og indtægter, samt beløbet som du ansøger om.
Husk at budgettet skal være fyldestgørende i forhold til det ansøgte formål.
I denne fane er det muligt at vedhæfte/uploade supplerende bilag/filer. Tekstfiler som PDF, og lydfiler som MP3.
Husk at du max. må vedhæfte bilag svarende til 5 A4-sider. Vedhæfter du en uddybende projektbeskrivelse må denne max. fylde 2 A4-sider.
Der må max. vedhæftes 1 lydfil.
Inden du klikker på "Godkend og send", er det en god ide at sikre, at du har fået det hele med. Det er muligt at afbryde udfyldelsen og færdiggøre ansøgningen senere. Indskrevne data gemmes.
Husk at du ikke kan ændre i din ansøgning, når først den er sendt.
Du modtager en mail som bekræfter, at vi har modtaget din ansøgning, som nu også har fået et journalnummer.
Bemærk at beløbet – hvis du bliver tildelt støtte – skal bruges indenfor 1 år og bliver indberettet til SKAT under dit CPR- eller CVR-nr. Du bliver altså beskattet af beløbet.
Prepare yourself by having written your project description and your budget, so that you can quickly copy and paste the text into the fields you encounter. If several musicians are involved in the project, have their info ready as well. When applying for publication, you must make a title list of the songs you intend to record.
The following formal requirements must be observed:
Attachments may max. take up 5 A4 pages - of which the project description must max. take up 2 A4 pages
The application must contain an adequate budget
There must be max. 1 audio file is attached
If the formal requirements are not met, the distribution committee reserves the right not to assess the application.
You can find the application at The application is divided into tabs: Start, Master data, Applications, Purpose, Project, Musicians, Budget, Attachments and Submit.
You log in with NemID - either via your social security number or your social security number.
Personal info
Enter your personal info - and press 'Save and continue'.
In this tab you can see the applications you have prepared - and you can correct it/these. If submitted, a journal number has been added.
You can also choose 'Create new application'.
In this you can choose which pool you are applying for support from:
Music promotion measures, including subsidies for live performances of music, singing and musical drama and support for recording, publishing and promotion of phonograms.
Professional development, including continuing education/courses/study and inspiration stays of a musical nature.
Next tab
For Music promotion measures, the next tab is Project:
In this tab, you can name the project and create a short and precise description, including a timetable.
For professional development, the next tab is professional development:
In this tab, you must state the country, place of study, purpose, and make a short and precise description, including a timetable.
In this tab, you must state the number and information on participating musicians/singers. If you are applying for a choir where the choir must receive the requested amount, the musicians/choristers must not be specified.
In this tab you enter the budget for your project. That is you enter expenses and income respectively, as well as the amount you are applying for.
Remember that the budget must be adequate in relation to the purpose applied for.
In this tab, it is possible to attach/upload additional attachments/files. Text files as PDF and audio files as MP3.
Remember that you max. must attach attachments equivalent to 5 A4 pages. If you attach a detailed project description, this must max. take up 2 A4 pages.
There must be max. 1 audio file is attached.
Before you click "Approve and send", it's a good idea to make sure you've got everything. It is possible to interrupt the filling in and complete the application later. Entered data is saved.
Remember that you cannot change your application once it has been sent.
You will receive an email confirming that we have received your application, which has now also been given a journal number.
Note that the amount - if you are awarded support - must be used within 1 year and will be reported to SKAT under your CPR or CVR no. You will therefore be taxed on the amount.
+45 61 78 20 12
C/O Dansk Musiker Forbund
Sankt Hans Torv 26
2200 København N
Copyright © Alle rettigheder forbeholdes